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Case Studies
Clinical Study
Review of Pedobarography
Foot is a complex structure comprised of 28 bones and 30 joints. There are numerous muscles, tendons and ligaments that help.....
Gait Analysis
Walking is an efficient cyclic, bilaterally symmetrical universal pattern which can be adapted according to various surfaces at a range of speed. The way a person walks is their gait and the study of a person’s way of walking is gait analysis.
Understanding Plantar Fascitis
Plantar Fascia also known as the plantaraponeurosis is a strong layer of fibrous connective tissue under the superficial tissue and skin of the foot. This fibrous band supports the foot anatomy and helps in transmitting weight
Facts about Diabetic Foot
Diabetes is the most common non-communicable metabolic disease. Generally classified as Type 1 (insulin deficient) & Type 2 (insulin resistant) diabetes mellitus,
Diabetic Foot Assessment
For adults with diabetes, assess their risk of developing a diabetic foot problem:
When diabetes is diagnosed and, thereafter, at least annually
If any foot problems arise or there is any discomfort
Diabetic Foot Management
Foot ulcers are a significant complication of diabetes mellitus and often precede lower extremity amputation. The most frequent underlying causes are neuropathy, trauma, deformity, high plantar pressures, and peripheral arterial disease.